mg电子试玩app致力于为所有学生提供实现其教育目标的机会. Students are responsible for maintaining an acceptable level of academic progress. To support their efforts to meet academic standards, students should attend class regularly and actively engage in the learning process. Students are also expected to monitor their own academic progress.
Federal regulations require that a college develop a standard of satisfactory academic progress. 这个令人满意的学业进步标准必须同时具有定性标准(平均成绩)和定量标准(课程完成情况)。. 学生对自己的学业进步负有主要责任,并在遇到学业困难时寻求帮助. The following standards are used to determine a student’s academic and financial aid standing. 令人满意的学业进展 is reviewed at the end of the Fall Semester, 春季学期, 每学年的夏季学期.
学生必须保持至少2.0 cumulative GPA for all coursework including withdrawals, 不完整的s and non-credit courses. For repeated courses, the highest grade achieved will be used for the GPA. 转学分不会影响学生的GPA.
学生必须完成66.67% of the cumulative credits attempted based on their enrollment status. All college-level credits attempted will be calculated using the completion percentage. This includes courses that are designated with a withdrawal, 不完整的, non-credit courses and courses that have been repeated. 任何已被接受为当前课程完成学分的课程也将包括在当前课程的进度中.
在学期结束时未达到累计标准的学生将被置于下学期学业和经济援助警告中. When the warning is issued a registration hold is placed on the student’s account. 学生必须完成在线学术警告协议表,以取消注册,并强烈鼓励他们与指定的顾问会面,制定成功计划,以提高他们的学术地位. Students are eligible for financial aid while on warning. 成功获得累计2学分的学生.平均成绩0分,累计成绩66分.67% completion rate while on warning will return to good standing.
在下一个学期结束时未达到累积标准的学生,将被暂停两个学期的学业和经济资助. Students on suspension are not allowed to register for future terms. Any registered courses for future terms will be dropped from the student’s account. Students on suspension are not eligible to receive federal Title IV aid or Minnesota aid programs. All students placed on suspension must appeal to be reinstated.
Per Saint Paul 大学 policy, a student must complete an appeal with Saint Paul 大学.
- If it is more than 10 years past the date the transfer suspension was applied to the transcript
- 如果有成功完成一个学期的记录后,暂停已适用于成绩单
The 大学 may immediately suspend a student in certain circumstances, such as but not limited to:
- 先前被停学的学生,在接下来的一个学期中,其学习成绩低于可接受的水平.
- 已注册但在第一学期未获得FN/FW/F所有学分的学生.
- A student who demonstrates an attendance pattern that abuses the receipt of financial aid.
由于情有可原的情况,认为自己未能取得令人满意的学业进步的学生可以在等待两个学期之前提出上诉. 然而, 学生必须提供证明文件,证明他们声称的可减轻的情况干扰了他们在学校取得成功的能力. 已完成两个学期休学期的学生必须通过填写学术和经济援助休学eForm申请复学, which can be obtained via the Saint Paul 大学 website. 申诉被批准的学生将不允许注册,直到与指定的顾问会面,制定学术成功计划.
上诉成功的学生将在下个学期被留校察看. During probation, students must meet the college’s 2.0 cumulative grade point average and cumulative 66.67% completion rate requirement to return to good standing at the end of the semester. 未能达到GPA和结业累积要求的学生将被重新停课. 不符合学业计划规定条件的学生,将被重新给予休学处分.
All students are expected to complete their program within an acceptable period of time. 满足令人满意的学术进步要求的财政援助接受者必须在达到其计划的最大时间框架之前完成其计划. 每个课程的最长学习时间为学生所选专业所需学分的150%. All credits attempted at the college count toward maximum time frame. This includes withdrawals, 不完整的s, non-credit courses, and courses that have been repeated. Credits taken under a previous major and transfer credits will count toward maximum time frame. 超过所报专业最长期限或无法在最长期限前完成课程的学生将被暂停经济资助.
Students with a Maximum Timeframe Suspension Hold on their account can register for courses. Still, they cannot receive financial aid for courses unless approved for appeal. Students interested in receiving financial aid for courses required for their declared major or program should
submit a Maximum Timeframe Suspension Appeal eForm request. Appeals are only approved for one semester of enrollment, and the student must be registered for the courses at the time of appeal. 我们鼓励学生与指定的指导老师见面,并提交他们的学术计划和上诉的副本.
在学期结束时,学业进展评估的满意结果将发送到学生的官方学院电子邮件帐户. Appeal results are sent to the email address the student lists on their appeal.
Additional 学术的进步 Standards 信息rmation
通过考试课程审核并获得学分: Audited and credit by exam courses are not eligible for financial aid.
财团协议: 根据财团协议支付的经济援助学分将被记录为财团协议学分,并包括在计算令人满意的学术进展的经济援助.
大学准备和EAP课程: 大学准备和EAP课程包括在累积平均绩点(GPA)中,不包括在完成率中. EAP课程和不超过30学分的大学准备课程不包括在150%的最大时间框架计算中.
重复的课程: Repeated courses are included in the completion rate for 令人满意的学业进展. Repeated courses are also included in the 150% maximum time frame calculation.
转移学分: 在以前的学校获得的当前课程要求的学分将包括在150%的最大时间框架计算中.
取款: 指定为退学(W)的课程包括在累计完成率和最大时间框架的计算中. 指定为未非正式退学(FW)的课程包括在平均绩点(GPA)的计算中。, 累计完成率, 最大时间范围.
1000级以下的课程可获得学分. 这些学分包括在GPA测量中, and excluded from the completion percentage measurement for satisfactory academic progress. For the maximum timeframe calculation, 30 developmental credits are excluded.